Learn How My New "Cash-Pay Profit Formula" Packs Your Appointment Calendar With Cash-Pay Patients

(Even If Your Practice Is Still 100% Insurance Based)

My Cash-Based Practice Freedom 2.0 Is Officially Live!  Click the Button Below to Take Advantage of the $3788 in Bonuses!

From The Desk of Jarod Carter

If you want a fast, reliable, proven blueprint to landing Cash-Pay patients whenever you want, so you can build a highly profitable Practice that delivers the type of care you’re proud of…

Then watch the replay above and review all the details on this page, because for the first time ever, I’m handing over every proprietary process, system, script, document, resource, and more that my clients and I have used to create widely successful Cash-Based Practices in just about every healthcare field.

Now if we haven’t met before, my name is Jarod Carter and many consider me the industry-leading business coach for Cash-Based Healthcare Practice Owners.  I currently own and run an Award Winning, 100% Cash-Based Physical Therapy Practice that’s grown its profits each of the last 10 years while now demanding only 5 hours per week of my time.  

Over the years using my unique experience & proprietary business systems.... 

I’ve Helped Over 1000 Healthcare Practice Owners Expand or Transition to Cash-Pay Services

My previous flagship course Cash-Based Practice Freedom has helped both New & Existing Cash-Based Practice owners, AND Insurance-Based Practice owners looking to add or transition to Cash-Based Services in the fields of:

Physical Therapists
Speech Therapists
Occupational Therapists
Mental Health Professionals

And More!

Here's what just some of them had to say about my Coaching & Cash-Based Practice Freedom Course

THANK YOU, so much for helping me achieve my dream! When new people come into my clinic I sometimes say, "Welcome to my little corner of Heaven." I’m no longer burdened by mounds of paperwork, I leave work feeling energized, and it’s getting to the point now where that scary jump of a loss of steady paycheck is not a problem at all.

Carla Colella

DPT, OCS & owner of Oconomowoc Physical Therapy

I had no hesitation to enrolling in Jared Carter’s E-course as I had been following him for several months on his podcast. The course provides a ton of material and guidance on building a cash based practice that one would otherwise have to figure out through trial and error. As I am continuing to build my own practice, the course provides me with material that I can go back to review and apply as I need it. This course can allow new cash based practitioners to have the confidence to start, build, and grow with a step-by-step process.

Thank you for your E-course. It is helping me to pull out of the hospital-based practice muck that has been my career till this point and has given me a new perspective and energy in being a physical therapist.

Travis Summerville


I was really excited when I first saw that Jarod had put a course together after listening to his podcast. The only hesitation I had at first was that I had just purchased another course and didn't want to invest in overlapping material. However, after beginning the course I was pleasantly surprised that only a small amount of the info would overlap and enrolling in Jarod's course was well worth it. Jarod presents the material so it is digestible. The course is broken down into modules and lessons that are brief enough to prevent information overload but also provide in-depth information about each topic. After going through the course, I feel like I have a plan that I can act upon to achieve my goals FASTER. If you want all the information in one place to get your practice started and have a shortcut to success then the Cash-Based Freedom course is the way to go!

Tom Tardif


When going cash-based, setting a price that was reasonable for patients without devaluing my services was difficult. Like most of us, I started too low, and knew it, but didn’t quite have the confidence that I would be successful with more. Jarod coached me through scenarios of the actual numbers, in addition to the value for myself, and expected client outcomes.

The numbers made sense, plus he has been there before and has seen the success of others. When I finally raised my rates, I got a “congrats on your raise” text from Jarod, but no complaints from patients.

Valerie Schwalbe

Physical Therapist

I transitioned my practice from insurance-based to cash-based overnight, and my existing receptionist continued answering new-patient calls after we made the switch. Unfortunately, we lost all 6 of the prospects who called in the first 2 days!

Then, we began applying Jarod’s strategies for handling those calls. Our results changed dramatically overnight. We are now averaging 15 new patients per week, cash-pay at $200 per hour. I am thrilled!

Dan Bockman


Being a primary care physician for over 15 years, all I knew was how to be a doctor. When I made the decision to open up my own cash practice, I had no idea how to run a business. What should I focus on first? How do I market myself? How do I negotiate a lease? Do I need an employee? How do I hire my first employee? There were a thousand more questions that I had. Looking to open a cash-based primary care practice, there were very few resources available.

That’s when I found Jarod Carter. After joining his membership, one of the most important things was completing his “Cash-Based Practice Freedom” course. It gave me the skills, knowledge, and framework to prepare my clinic to open successfully.

His coaching grew our Direct Primary Care practice from 0 to 200 members, even while most other clinics were struggling during the Pandemic.

Without the skills and knowledge that I have gained from Jarod Carter, my clinic would not be growing or be cash positive. I would absolutely recommend him to anyone looking to open up a cashed-based health care practice in any field. For any doctor out there, this is like having a personalized residency for your business.

Mike Kim

Direct Primary Care Physician

Now... For The First Time Ever,  I'm Releasing A New And Improved Cash-Based Practice Freedom Course!

(I go into great detail at the end of the training replay above, but here's a rundown of what you get when you join today!)

Cash-Based Practice Freedom 2.0

Click the Button Below to Take Advantage of the $3788 in Bonuses!

Enjoy My 100% Risk Free Guarantee

Give me a chance to help you drastically improve your business. If you go through the course and don’t feel it’s worth every penny, let me know within 60 days and I’ll issue a full refund. Simply email

Here's Everything You Get When You Join My New "Cash-Based Practice Freedom 2.0" Today

Module 1: V.O.P. Care Experience

($1497 Value)

Why the Practice owners who think patients will never go out-of-network are often sitting on the biggest gold mines
How a simple market research process can identify your market’s hot button issues so you can position your cash-pay services as the solution they’re already looking for
Why my V.O.P. Care Experience is the single best way to rise above competition and attract high-quality patients who are willing pay out of pocket, so you can provide a level of care you can be proud of!
The vital “Values” your V.O.P Care Experience must include in order for your patients to see your services as a no-brainer
Simple, inexpensive & proven ways my clients use to add irresistible “Value” to your cash-pay patient experience
One trick that gets potential cash-pay patients hyper-focused on the “Outcome” they desire that you provide. Do this right, and even patients with “great insurance” will stop thinking about out of pocket expense all together
3 little-known “Personalized” touches that make your patients feel valued & maximize long term revenue by creating unshakeable loyalty

Module 2: Cash-Pay Booking Protocol

($1997 Value)

The two key factors that drive all prospective patients’ buying decisions (FYI: neither one of them are price) and how to use them to command top dollar for your services while minimizing pushback
Two simple ways to identify the price threshold in your market so you confidently ask for top dollar without scaring off prospective patients
"Profit First Pricing Formula” that identifies a price that pays you appropriately for your services and maximizes profit. (This formula can more than double your profit per appointment if you’re currently an insurance-based provider)
My “Prospective Patient Call Checklist” that any receptionist can follow to eliminate “Cash-Pay” objections and turn phone calls into consultations (without being pushy or salesy)
The word-for-word script all my clients use that turns the “Do You Take My Insurance?” question into a welcome conversation starter that leads to patients going out-of-network for your high-value care
How to use my “P.R.I.D.E. Consultation” to convert your consults into cash-pay patients (follow these steps and patients will be selling themselves on going out of network for your care)
The 1 question that comfortably transitions your consultations into the booking process, and gets more YES’s without the need for any awkward sales tactics

Module 3: R.O.I Marketing Method

($2497 Value)

3 Key Marketing Strategies that keep the phone at your practice ringing, without relying on in-network referral sources or having to spend big money on marketing agencies
5 Secrets that turn existing patients into raving fans and a predictable source of referrals that happily send new patients your way
My simple method for flooding the major “review sites” with positive reviews about your practice, & the framework we give our patients that assures they write reviews that produce the most business!
A networking approach that identifies & taps into the best Out-of-Network Referral Sources in your market, and the #1 tactic that compels them to send patients your way
Why 95% of Practice Owners are wasting time with their Social Media Marketing, and the exact high ROI Facebook Strategy my clients use instead. (Even better… this strategy can easily be implemented by an assistant)
15 Proven Email Examples that gain new patients, minimize POC drop offs, reactivate past patients, boost referrals, and more!
3 Simple Steps that turn your website into a patient-producing machine without the need for an expensive website designer
How my R.O.I Marketing Method puts you in permanent control of your business & future and generates high-quality leads whenever you want

Module 4: Profit First Practice Expansion

($1997 Value)

3 Secrets to growing your practice profits while working the same or less (I’ve grown my practice profits for 10 years straight while reducing my office hours to 5 hours or less per week)
An “Insurance Freedom Plan” that gets you out from under the thumb of greedy insurance companies, so you and your staff can stop jumping through endless hoops chasing shrinking reimbursements
How my “Insurance Freedom Plan” identifies what contracts to drop, when to drop them—and most importantly—how to drop them, with maximum staff buy-in and minimal patient pushback
My “P.E.R.F.E.C.T. Retention Script” that keeps existing Patients on your schedule after you’ve transitioned out of network with their insurance, and gets your past patients saying YES to your new Cash-Pay services
My “Automated Hiring System” that AUTOMATICALLY weeds out bad candidates, only shows you the resumés of A-players, and completes half the interview process without taking a minute of your precious time
My go-to interview questions that ensure every candidate's true colors come out in the interview process and you choose the best fit for your practice
The most effective way to run individual and staff meetings to avoid wasting time, maximize staff buy-in, and focus on the data that truly drives your business forward
The most-efficient way to document your practice SOPs to keep your team perfectly informed and performing at the highest level, so you can remove yourself from the business to whatever degree you desire

In Addition to All 4 Modules, You'll Also Get These Incredible Resources

V.O.P. Care Experience Workbook ($197 Value)

A Step-By-Step Workbook that crafts each and every aspect of the V.O.P. Care Experience and caters it perfectly for your specific practice and its ideal patients. 

From Value, to Outcomes, to Personalization—the steps in this workbook will create an experience your patients happily pay a premium for.

Cash-Based Practice Receptionist Script Book ($297 Value)

Get your hands on every fill-in-the-blank script your receptionist could ever need.

Make it easy for them to provide unparalleled service, make an incredible impression, build lasting and loyal patient relationships, generate reviews & referrals, and MOST importantly, land cash-pay consultations with these detailed scripts for all the steps of the Cash-Pay Booking Protocol.

P.R.I.D.E. Consultation Checklist ($97 Value)

This easy-to-follow checklist assures you nail every aspect of the P.R.I.D.E. Consultation so you can turn consultations into long-term cash-pay patients without price pushback or objections.

The Ultimate Cash-Based Practice Email Bundle ($497 Value)

Get ALL my top email templates so you can have proven messaging that converts leads to patients, reactivates past patients, boosts referrals and reviews, all while avoiding writer’s block. Emails for:

Lead Magnet auto-follow-up 
Pre and Post consultation conversion
Pre-evaluation primers
New Patient onboarding and drop-off minimizers
Membership/Maintenance program offers
Post-discharge series and online review optimizers
Patient Reactivation and quarterly/annual follow up
Story-based relationship and referral builders
Seasonal Promotion funnels
Workshop & presentation fillers

Cash-Based Practice Freedom SOPs ($997 Value)

Over 10 years of fine-tuned Practice SOPs that equip your staff to succeed.  These SOPs simplify execution and minimize mistakes and confusion. This is literally your ticket to creating a self-managing team that executes at the highest level, so you can get your time back to doing the things you love.

All Combined This Course Has A Total Value of $11,070... but you won't pay nearly that much...

But you can join today 100% Risk Free and get lifetime access to Cash-Based Practice Freedom & All The Bonuses for the Special Price of just...


(Or 3 Monthly Payments of $797)

Click the Button Below to Take Advantage $3788 in Bonuses!

Enjoy My 100% Risk Free Guarantee

Give me a chance to help you drastically improve your business. If you go through the course and don’t feel it’s worth every penny, let me know by Feb 10th and I’ll issue a full refund.  Simply email

Students Like These Loved The Original Cash-Based Practice Freedom Course & They Didn't Get A Fraction Of The Proven Practice Building Secrets You'll Learn When You Join This Today

Since starting the course, I found direction and guidance on where my focus should be. I've taken things step by step always knowing there's more to do to make things work better for me and that has made the difference in not getting overwhelmed or discouraged if things don't work as smoothly or quickly as I'd like.

The course is sleek and well thought out.  The modules are informative and practical with proper actionable items with each topic.  I refer to the year plan I made every day, making sure I'm really focusing on what is the most important thing now rather than what seems important to me at the moment. For anyone considering whether the investment is worth it, it's a no brainer!  If you've liked any of Jarod’s materials and podcasts, the course is no different. It offers an organized and direct way to get clarity on how to get out of the rat race and into your own business.

David Miller


We cut all insurances cold turkey on January 1st.  For the first 1-2 years we had less patient visits and total revenue dipped a bit, but revenue per patient visit was way higher (Less work for more revenue). Not to mention the huge gain of time in my life. Year 2-3 we figured out the marketing. 6 years later and we are busy as ever with far higher profit per patient. Have no regrets.

And I would add that most importantly, our patients get all the time, love, and attention that they need.  We make the whole experience about them, solving their problems, not about what the insurance will or won’t pay for.  30% of our current patients come to us after having had a previous poor experience with an insurance-based healthcare provider or providers.

Cody G. Barnett

Physical Therapist

I cannot thank Jarod enough for taking the time and energy to compile all this information for us!  Inspiring to have something so "simple" to follow.  I didn't know I was going to be able to do this as quickly and efficiently as Jarod has taught me.

Gianna Bigliani



I Want To Help You Build the Cash-Based Practice of Your Dreams As Fast As Possible... So I Added These Additional Bonuses You'll Receive For FREE When You Join Today!

Bonus #1: Cash-Based Consultations Coaching Archives (Value $497)

This series of Jarod’s coaching calls on performing high-converting in-person and phone consultations will help you expertly handle a variety of situations that may arise during prospective patient consultations, which will have a huge impact on how well you convert consultations into paying customers.

Bonus #2: Real Time Reception Reviews (Value $297)

Listen in as Jarod coaches his own practice’s administrator on recorded phone lead phone calls to learn how to implement this approach and improve sales in your own practice.

Bonus #3: The 60-Minute Patient Attraction System (Value $997)

You’ll get access to my entire Online Patient Attraction System course where you’ll learn how to attract  cash-pay patients with simple online (or in person) presentations that take 60 minutes or less!

I'm Even Going To Include This Special


“Patients On Demand” Facebook Ads Training

Get access to my proven course giving you a step-by-step guide on how to generate Cash-Pay Patients on Demand with Facebook Ads… regardless of your tech skills or budget!

($1997 Value)

This is how our students using this Facebook Ads System were able to transform their private practices:

"After wasting $6,000 on an Ad agency that produced no patients, I followed Jarod’s step by step training, and within 7 days we had 5 booked new patient appointments and 20 other additional leads!"

“When we launched our pelvic pain and endometriosis practice, I paid and Ad agency $6,000 to set and run our Facebook/Instagram Ads, but got no patients from it!

Then I followed Jarod’s step by step training, and within 7 days, we had five new patient appointments booked and 20 other additional leads to follow up with!”

Saeid Gholami MD - MBA

Boston, MA

These Bonuses are an additional  Value of $3,788... and you can get Lifetime Access to everything today for the price of just $1997 (or 3 Monthly Payments of just $797)...

Here's a Quick Recap of Everything You Get When You Join My

Cash-Based Practice Freedom 2.0

Course Modules

Module 1: V.O.P. Care Experience (Value $1497)
Module 2: Cash-Pay Booking Protocol (Value $1997)
Module 3: R.O.I. Marketing Method (Value $2497)
Module 4: Profit First Practice Expansion (Value $1997)

Course Resources

V.O.P. Care Experience Workbook (Value $197)
Cash-Based Practice Receptionist Script Book (Value $297)
P.R.I.D.E. Consultation Checklist (Value $97)
The Ultimate Cash-Based Practice Email Bundle (Value $497)
Cash-Based Practice Freedom SOPs (Value $997)

Course Bonuses

Cash-Based Consultations Coaching Archives (Value $497)
Real Time Reception Reviews (Value $297)
The 60-Minute Patient Attraction System (Value $997)
“Patients On Demand” Facebook Ads Training (Value $1997)

This Course, Resources & Bonuses Has A Total Value of $15,652

But you can join today 100% Risk Free and get lifetime access to Cash-Based Practice Freedom & All The Bonuses for the Special Price of just...


(Or 3 Monthly Payments of $797)

Click the Button Below to Take Advantage of the $3788 in Bonuses!

Enjoy My 100% Risk Free Guarantee

Give me a chance to help you drastically improve your business. If you go through the course and don’t feel it’s worth every penny, let me know within 60 days and I’ll issue a full refund.  Simply email

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